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The median is the number above which there are exactly as many data points as those that adventure fall below it — the "middle number." As you just reiterated, if the median income figure did not change, then we can conclude adventure that the number of jobs lost and gained did not change the balance of low-paying to high-paying jobs, ie, for every job created (or lost) below the median figure, a job above it was also created (or lost). So it is not accurate to suggest, as others have, that all the good-paying jobs are going away and adventure the only jobs being created to replace them are minimum-wage jobs. However, it is overreaching somewhat to say that "there are not significantly more minimum-wage jobs now than before." The median income figure, by itself, is not sufficient to the conclusion. It is entirely possible — unlikely, but possible — that a significant number of people that previously made $15/hr (for instance, as unskilled factory labor) have moved into jobs that pay minimum wage.