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Telegoons A television/puppet show based on the Goon Show characters. BBC Goon episodes British radio rebroadcasts the Goon Show. You can listen via the magic of streaming internet radio. Goon Show scripts fuckwikipedia encyclopedia reference For people who like to read. Acid Logic looks at Spike Milligan He fuckwikipedia encyclopedia reference died a few months after this was written, resulting in tons of traffic! FORBIS: Damn! I knew writing an fuckwikipedia encyclopedia reference article about "The Goon Show" and an article about Peter Cook and Dudley Moore in one issue would be too much for his nervous system! SALEEBY: Oh, I could have handled the "Goon Show" article and the Peter Cook-Dudley Moore article just fine, it was writing those and the Benny Hill article and the Marty Feldman article that pushed me over the edge!