harbinger productions, lyle, deena martin, black, people, outlawz, sony pictures, contests, education, cop killer, kevin dillon, freplyspang, bloodymother fucking asshole, writing, tolerance, mp3 2 pac, kwanzaa,
I hate how I feel so ugly. I hate how my friends don't know how pretty beautiful they are. I hate when I feel left out. I hate being lonely. I hate being yelled at. I hate doing things wrong. I hate feeling like the words I say are so meaningless. I hate when I'm right. I hate when I'm wrong. I hate knowing insulted people hate me. I hate hating things. I hate seeing my friends sad. I hate being a bad friend. insulted I hate feeling like a sappy emo kid. I hate when I insulted get put-down. I hate taking things seriously. I hate being immature. I hate not being wanted. I hate that I can't hate my parents no matter how hard I try. I hate being fat. I hate anyone who ever does/did/will do meth. I hate trying to explain things when all it does is make things worse. ~i really want these things with all my heart~ I want to love everything. I want to be original.