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don't think you wolf ticket got off that easily.] ×I'm very determined. ×I need to let go of things. ×I get jealous easily.[I think I'm the most jealous person I know.] wolf ticket ×I love to laugh. ×I try too hard. ×I'm insecure.[even though i try to pretend I'm not] ×I'm overly sensative. ×I'm extremely emotional. ×I supress my feelings. ×I forgive easily. ×I will never forget certain things.[ohh the memories!!] ×I let others control my emotions WAY too wolf ticket much. ×it's easy to read my feelings.[if you take the time to care] ×I tend to look on the negative side of things.[that way when something good happens I will be happy, but I can't be disappointed.] ×I'm stubborn and hard headed. ×I can't stand people who think that they are better than everyone else.[they're not.] ×I don't always mean what I say.[if I say "I don't know" that either means 1)I DON'T KNOW 2) I'm afraid to tell you how I feel] ×I care too much about unimportant things.