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#26 | anonymous Give them a break.. they are on their high-school vacation and this is what they want to do with their days off. We need to appreciate the youth of today for their wonderful insight.. not complain that they are not even capable of forming a complete sentence! I would suggest that they hurry and 2pac shakur makaveli go back to school so that they can learn how to do important things like spell and use proper grammar! That is just me though! #27 | terry bogan PS: windows vista might actually be gay #28 | 2pac shakur makaveli Noobkiller 2pac shakur makaveli waste of space, glad this isnt filling up my server #29 | Yea das rite Just like the ol CB days. We get da fight goin on the net then we say let us go dow da streeet for da one on one fissfight I aint fuckin A roun no mo gi me yo numba an i be dere n a minut Post a comment Comments: Name: (required) Email Address: (required) URL: Remember personal info?