francs2000, bulletinboard, case law, anti racism, regional internet registry, harbinger productions, lyle, deena martin, black, people, outlawz, sony pictures, contests, education, cop killer, kevin dillon, freplyspang, bloodymother fucking asshole, writing, tolerance, mp3 2 pac, kwanzaa,
i HATE it when blacks are treated wrong!311anti racist personI support this petition. if insultingpostcards your insultingpostcards a racist your apig. Everyone who is anti-racist - you rock ppl!310Num. 308 is a MASTER NERDPetition signer 308: "I've beencollecting all ip#'s of blackswho pretend tobe whites on all petitions." "Don't ask me ow I doit(collectingall ip#'s)" - I know how youdo it. You are insultingpostcards a fucking GEEK with no life. Makingbullshit threats over the internet???? Boy... Ishit on you and your family mother fucker. Imwaiting for you.309bluffi dont suppurt its funny callin paki bastards y ustickin up 4 them, wen there bomin our contriesand'tryin to beat us up' shame on u 308Half-a-Aryan-JoI've been collecting all ip#'s of blackswho pretend to be whites on all petitions.I've