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I enjoyed this and your other “Blogs” (I’m new to this internet carry-on!) this one in perticular, was very thought provoking. Good Luck in all you do. zagaschin @ 02/11/06 08:47:18 View Full Thread content new hiphop all articles 9 1074 headlines hiphop 59 5148 videos 0 41 links 1 243 users 65 8374 blogs 149 10376 223 13899 store * * GNN STORE Buy GNN's award-winning DVDs TRUE LIES The GNN Book "Inflammatory" hiphop - NY Observer Sign up for the GNN newsletter to get the first word on video premieres and breaking news. Check out the GNN 2.0 blog to get the latest news about site updates and features. Read the GNN FAQ for information about the site, forum rules and other GNN 2.0 information. Optimized for FireFox To download the Firefox web browser, visit B09725 Lara rank: Conscript points: 0 occupation: singer, everything girl 4 I,