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The dust jacket of a book that was to be sold in-store was recently altered because a Tesco buyer did not like it. That's a bit silly, really. It leads to bland stuff that has been toned down to not offend anybody. Sure, if it offends a whole bunch of people, list of people by name it might make sense to alter it, but one person? Re:No tracking necessary (Score:5, Insightful) by djmurdoch (306849) on list of people by name Saturday August 06, @08:06AM (#13257520) The dust jacket of a book that was to be sold in-store was recently altered list of people by name because a Tesco buyer did not like it.That's a bit silly, really. It leads to bland stuff that has been toned down to not offend anybody. Sure, if it offends a whole bunch of people, it might make sense to alter it, but one person? I think you misread the article. The Tesco buyer is a Tesco employee who buys for Tesco. It wasn't a customer buying from Tesco who complained. [ Parent ] Re:No tracking necessary by SlashEdsDoYourJobs (Score:1) Saturday August 06, @08:10AM Re:No tracking necessary by grahammm (Score:2) Saturday August 06, @08:35AM Re:No tracking necessary by stefficus (Score:1) Saturday August 06, @08:41AM Re:No tracking necessary by Dunbal (Score:2) Saturday August 06, @08:59AM Re:No tracking necessary by 1u3hr (Score:2) Saturday August 06, @10:36AM Re:No tracking necessary by danila (Score:2) Sunday August 07, @10:20AM 1 reply beneath your current threshold.Missing