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at some point the school might be liable under deathrow a tort theory, if it violated its own rules, did acted negligently (which might be shown by, for example, violation of the deathrow FERPA or another statute or some regulation), etc. The deathrow law on this isn’t quite settled yet, but it is something that administrator have to keep in mind. Larry, at 2:00 pm EST on February 16, 2006 Facebook and Society All, This has been a particularly edifying set of comments. I think that Larry and Kevin have championed a rigorous argument for freedom of speech. My own sense of this is not so much a criticism as an observation about culture. I don’t think we are well served by polemical ejaculations of what we find repugnant about this incident. Rather, what we want is to say something about who we are and the type of community and culture we wish to be and create.