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All rights reserved." I also question whether or not the news emails you have posted are legit, or fabricated by you. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Ephesians 5:11 Let's see if this gets posted for December's email list. Helen Watts This website is wrong and i am going news to sue you if you do not stop this crap Virginia VanBreemen Err... On the XBox 360 Article. Yeah... Ive news never been to youre webpage before I saw a quote from it on YTMND. It was about the nice young lad who took another persons property and threw it across the room and continued to smash it... in an attept of conversion to his faith apparently... obviously never learned about diplomacy but I digress. How can you complement someone for ripping up someone else's stuff? Correct me if I'm wrong but dose that not qualify as stealing which correct me if I'm wrong is...