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I think something is rap very very wrong, and I'm truly concerned. I love you, and I'm scared." Whenever my mother got this way, instead of feeling like she really did care about me rap and love me and would do anything in the world for me, I just got scared too. I started thinking My rap god! She's right! I did drop my class! I am interrupting! I haven't been calling and now I'm refusing her love by staying here for Thanksgiving! Is something really wrong with me? "Well, don't be so scared," I said. "Everything's fine. Everything's going to be OK." By Wednesday morning, the campus was pretty much deserted and spooky and I went over to Erik's. I'd actually made some real headway on my paper and was feeling pretty good. When I walked in, Erik's place was, of course, a disaster. "I thought you told me you were going to clean up," I said, throwing my stuff on the couch with all the other stuff that was already piled there.