Dr. Karen Jenson: Wait! tupac picture 2 pac

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Dr. Karen Jenson: Wait! I'm coming with you. Blade: You're useless. Dr. Karen Jenson: 2 pac Oh, great. Now you're robbing him. You gonna rob me, 2 pac too? Blade: How do you think we fund this organization? We're not exactly the March of Dimes. Blade: There are worse things out tonight than vampires. Dr. Karen Jenson: Like what? Blade: Like me. Dr. Karen Jenson: So what do you use? Stakes? 2 pac Crosses? Whistler: Crosses don't do squat. Blade: OK, Vampire Anatomy 101, crosses and running water don't do dick so forget what you've seen in the movies. You use a stake, silver or sunlight. You know how to use one of these? [hands her a gun] Dr. Karen Jenson: No, but I'll damn sure learn quick. Blade: Safety's off, round's already chambered. Silver hollowpoint filled with garlic.
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