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See all Crew Listmania!   Best of 2005: A list by Riley McCarthy "rileymccarthy"...   20 Can't Miss Films of 2005: A list by Sara   warner home video Best Actors of 2005: A list warner home video by Lacy "Lacy" Create a Listmania! list So You'd Like to...   See the 2006 Oscar? Winners and Nominees on DVD: A guide by DVD Store, DVD Editors   Golden Globe Nominations and Winners: A guide by J. Chieco, High School Students   Oscar Nominees: A guide by J. Chieco, High School Student Create your guide Fun Facts from NominationsArt warner home video Directors Guild: Excellence in Production Design Award for Feature Film - Contemporary FilmSatellite Awards: Satellite Award for Outstanding Screenplay, Adapted, Outstanding Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama, Outstanding Film Editing, Outstanding Actor in a Supporting Role, DramaVisual Effects Society Awards: VES Award for Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Motion Picture›  See more Nominations TriviaLeonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire originally vied for the lead role in the film.Filmed
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