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I can't help compare my situation and those of my friends and co-workers to my dad's. He worked for the same company for 34 years, owned a home, put three kids through private schools and college on a "blue collar" salary. He retired at 60, with private college a pension, and private college while he and my mom aren't living the high life, or are financially "comfortable," they don't seem private college to have any complaints. Unless things change considerably, I fear the post-WWII "golden age" is gone for my generation and at least the next. [*] A new wrinkle — there's now a push to have renters also pay the water and sewer bills in my area. Some landlords claim that that burden will be reflected in lower rents, but given that a HUGE proportion of formerly-rented property (over 30%) has been eliminated through condo conversions[**] and demand is constant (owing to the large student populations) the lower supply pretty much means that people can charge whatever they want and get it, so I really don't expect many people to see a decrease — more likely it'll