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Due to increases wiley wiggins in population, the US economy has to add about 150,000 every month for there to be wiley wiggins flat growth in the employment rate. [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 24. Re: More jobs... at Walmart by waldeaux at Wed 31 Aug 10:29amscore of 2 wiley wiggins astute in reply to comment 7 What I never see mentioned in unemployment figures is a normalization to the point that they don't reflect those people who have fallen off the unemployment roles because the benefits have run out. So, in the completely strawman example of there being 100,000 new jobs but where 80,000 people become unemployed, and 30,000 more who were unemployed lose benefits, there isn't a true increase of 100,000 jobs, nor 20,000.