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I quotes cock my head sideways, like a dog who's just heard a quotes high pitched sound. I got a guy here, cleanly shaven, healthy skin tone, with brand new clothes and shoes that I, who went to college and has a corporate job, won't purchase because they are too expensive (and also because Nike's labour practices are unethical, but that's another debate) and he's asking ME for spare change? What fucking bizarro universe did I wake up in this morning? Boy do I need that coffee, pronto. Just quotes a side note — back in college I wasn't an angel and my friends certainly weren't either. One of them was a drug dealer, as a means of paying for college and having access to a steady supply - he obviously didn't get Scarface training on what not to do with your supply. He didn't deal the hardcore chemistry either, but I digress. He would sit on a corner on Ste-Catherine's street and do his business, but while waiting for his "customers" he would also leave his cap on the ground near him and without asking, people would drop 80 to 100 dollars a day in spare change.
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