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is afarm tool. Heroin...NOT "heron"...heron is a bird. If you want respect beingblack, then don't idolize low class,uneducated street trash. It is NOT a "blackthing" it is a "low class trashthing" which if you hps. showed higher classactions, you would be treated like a higher classperson. If you act like a Jerry Springercontestant, how do you hps. think you'll betreated? Also, look at how the average well to doblack dresses. We're not talking about rapstars and sports stars...most of them are prettydumb yet successful do to a "talent".Look at respected blacks and you will see...theydon't dress like "hoods". PS...youdon't hps. have to own a pitt bull to try to be abad ass...that's proof of no self esteemunless you really like the breed as a pet. Deepdown inside, you know what is true. The reasonmany people of other races do not like blacks as awhole is because they scowl to be tough, whichmakes them unlikable, and instead of being nice,act tough and