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Now, I ask you:Why not eat hot dogs? They are delicious. I carrya bag of hot dogs with me wherever I go. I eatthem from the bag whenever I get the urge,regardless of the timothy mcsweeney's circumstances. When I make timothy mcsweeney's amovie, my hot dogs are my co-stars. If, in themiddle of a scene, I decide timothy mcsweeney's I want to consume ahot dog, I do so. I waste the director's timeand thousands of dollars in film stock, but in theend, it is all worth it, because I enjoy eatinghot dogs more than I enjoy acting. This bothers some people. I was supposed toportray Batman, but when Tim Burton learned of myhot dog cravings, he asked Michael Keaton to wearthe cape. To this day, I am peeved about this. When we filmed The Dead Zone, I ateover 800 hot dogs a day. It was necessary. Mycharacter needed to come across as intense aspossible, and I found the inspiration for thatintensity in my intense love for hot dogs.