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I deena martin mean, when they want to cut spending which could've fixed some levees deena martin they should just come right out and say they're not gonna protect New Orleans because that's a Dem city or because they don't deena martin have any oil industry buddies who live there. But no, they don't say a word and Bush just flies over the city and looks down with no sense of horror, no sense of outrage, no compassion. Ya see what I mean?"that is the point. Blame Bush all you want. I don't care."Great. Bush is a turd. How's that?"But when you claim to be a sensitive and caring human via your political beliefs, don't give me this shit about only helping the people of New Orleans beause they voted for Kerry."I don't understand. Nobody said anything about 'helping the people of New Orleans because they voted for Kerry'."This shit will backfire so bad on liberals.