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the GOP is busy working on its PR strategy... figuring out ways to milk yet another national tragedy for votes. What listen music a shame! COMMENT #399 [link] ...Chris said on 9/2/2005 @ 9:05am PT... Anyone who says these people deserve this because they voted for Bush is an utter moron. When I see news coverage of what is happening in New Orleans, I see poor, black, urbanites... not your typical Bush voter. So, to the author listen music of this post: Who is listen music the ninnie now? I don't get the left on stuff like this... first some on the left blame the U.S. foreign policy for 9/11 (some even go as far as say that the victims "deserved" what happened to them). Then, this guy posts this venom about how the people (most of whom, according to basic demographics, voted for Kerry) who are starving and dying in this mess deserve what is happening to them because they voted Bush?