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It's still garbage.Listen, you can practice deconstructist analysis on your own motivations all you want if that helps you sleep at night, but to the objective reader, this post (and many of the responses to it) boils down to just makaveli lyric more pathological hatefulness in regards to Bush.I have no doubt the NO papers ascribed reductions in the levee makaveli lyric projects to Iraq and whatever else they could, given their open makaveli lyric hostility to Bush, so pardon me for identifying that argument as a straw man. If Clinton was so gung ho on solving the problem, it would have gotten done...period. The real problem is that no administration, and the Lousiana state govt., and the NO city government, took seriously the possibility of a category 5 hurricane slamming into the coast so close to the city.I need you to pay close attention here. Category 5 hurricanes aren't regular occurences. 3-5 a decade. The numbers are slightly down over the last few decades, which demonstrates what a lie all this "global warming" shrieking is.