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means before. BEFORE!!!!BEFORE THE HURRICANE HIT!!!! COMMENT #274 [link] ...Don said on 9/1/2005 tupac tu @ 8:06pm PT... VG,I see your point. Doug,You begin to annoy. As rational thought seems beyond your capibilities at the moment, please understand tupac tu that not all Black people enjoy being called that, espcially by idiots. So what say we step away from the tupac tu mouse for a moment and fire up the decaf. And the answer to my question? COMMENT #275 [link] ...Pablo said on 9/1/2005 @ 8:08pm PT... WHO DID IT???? WHERE DOES THE BLAME GO NEXT? Hey Doug, what party was running the polls in those black suburbs? Here's a hint: Local governments are responsible for setting up polls, ordering voting machines, managing lines, etc... COMMENT #276 [link] ...Doug Eldritch said on 9/1/2005 @ 8:09pm PT... Pablo bob, You proved me right at least four times!!!! Now you claim those gangs and everyone of them oughtta be slapped, I bet you never even spent a day outside in them.