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Take it or leave it.” Me: “We have a deal!” [Me and Gary Shandling, who will die only seconds after me on 9/15/08, exchange high fives.] But I’m not stupid when I give either. If I don’t have any change or spare ones at the ready, I’m not about to be stand with a homeless person, routing through my wallet, only to eventually say, “Sorry, I don’t have any change.” deena martin If money is not at the ready, I’ll get change at a nearby store and then give deena martin some to the guy. This wariness was heightened when a few months ago a homeless man in the Lower East Side, right around the corner where I used to live, stabbed a guy my age. So I’m not about to get shanked while I’m standing there looking for a dollar bill. Right now, I’m at home in Philly, and (almost) every morning (read: early afternoon) when I wake up, I head down to the Oregon Diner for breakfast.