etymologies There are several girl power 2 pac mp3

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etymologies There are several urban-legend fake etymologies postulating an acronymic origin for the word. In the most popular version, it is 2 pac mp3 said that the word "fuck" came from Irish law. If a couple committing adultery were "Found Under Carnal Knowledge" they would be penalized, with "FUCK" written on 2 pac mp3 the stocks above 2 pac mp3 them to denote the crime. Variants of this include "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", "Felonius Use of Carnal Knowledge", "Fornication Under Carnal Knowledge", and "Forced Unlawful Carnal Knowledge", a label supposedly applied to the crime of rape. In another story, a sign reading "Fornication Under Consent of the King" was supposedly placed on signs above houses in medieval England during times of population control. All these acronyms were never heard before the 1960s, according to the authoritative lexicographical work, The F-Word, and so are backronyms.
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