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tupac song, halfbaked, extremism, abortion, online music promotion, makaveli mp3, brian casey (ii), wallpapers, tolerance, eraser, international, marthawainwright, Where there are humans you'll find flies, and Buddhas. - Kobayashi Issa.  [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 85.  Re: Poverty, by who's list? by Amizeye Waswhirr      at Wed 31 Aug 8:49pmscore of 1.5 competitive name analysis funny   in reply to comment 80   Well, at least we'll draft higher next year. Wait, wrong thread. It's all interconnected; it's all complicated. That's why competitive name analysis it requires our attention. - Jon Carroll, SFChronicle  [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 86.  Re: Poverty, by who's list? by skeeter1      competitive name analysis at Wed 31 Aug 9:24pmscore of 1   in reply to comment 80   Interesting, indeed, but I think we're looking at two different lists.
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Long Beach, Calif. 7. Milwaukee 8. Buffalo 9. Philadelphia 10. Memphis 11. Baltimore 12. (tie) Cleveland 12. (tie) New Orleans 14. Stockton, Calif. 15. St. Louis SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau there's only one way to find out...  [ ...reply just to this | comment on the makaveli mp3 story... | next new ] 51.  Re: Poverty, by makaveli mp3 who's list? by sahaquiel      at Wed 31 Aug 12:40pmscore of 1   in reply to comment 50   I thought I'd never say this: Yoohoo! We're number two! We're number two! Go El Paso! Give me a woman who loves beer and I makaveli mp3 will conquer the world. - Kaiser Wilhelm  [ ...reply just to this | comment on the story... | next new ] 80.  Re: Poverty, by who's list? by rasta smurf      at Wed 31 Aug 7:51pmscore of 1   in reply to comment 50   Interesting... I saw this list on cnn money. Here they show Cleaveland as #3. This data was apparently from Tuesday's Census Bureau release.
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