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People who blame Bush for everything are so immature. Grow up, kiddies. Find something else to do other than point fingers. And to think they call CONSERVATIVES bigoted and intolerant!!I think some hugs need to go handsome rob around. And maybe a plate of cookies. Who knows, maybe a little "Fireside Chat", as FDR put it, might do us all a world of good. COMMENT #653 [link] ...Timothy said on 2/5/2006 @ 5:31am PT... Somehow, I am shocked. handsome rob Why I should be, handsome rob I don't know. But being near the epicenter of Mississippi's Katrina hit, I have to say one thing. This Hurricane had nothing to do with Republican, or Democrat. Christian or Heaten. The water came up, and NOTHING stopped it. The winds came, and it was just that, a very strong wind. Not someone getting a big fan, and making it worse. The dead bodies were not just Republicans, or Democrats, Poor, or Rich. There was no rhyme or reason to the deaths. Rich peoples houses and poor peoples houses and middle class peoples houses were damaged or destroyed.