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Richard Nixon, say what you want about him, but in cyberpunk 2020 the end he had courage and integrity that George Bush has never had. But maybe now we can see him show a little spine. If he believes the Iraq war was a better use of National Guard resources and taxes (we spend 6 billion dollars every week requilding and cyberpunk 2020 redestroying and rebuilding Iraq) than on protecting our citizens at home... then say so. If he believes, as many conservatives do, that the hurricane victims should have taken care cyberpunk 2020 of themselves.... then say it on live TV. He has a philosophy that he lives by.... he should be open and honest and stop pretending that he believes something different.Don't pretend that there were more than enough helicopters to save people... there weren't. Don't pretend that there was plenty of food and water to go around. Don't pretend that he thinks the Hurricane victims are more important than the Iraq War.