classic in the makin`. blogs tupac music video

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classic in the makin`. 8/24/2005 9:14 AM   Anonymous said... A snake slithering into a vagina or up the tupac music video anal canal might be entertaining to watch. This tupac music video is actually an exotic sexual practice in parts of Asia and Indonesia. You can Google it to verify this. The snake is non-poisonous of course and a condom is wrapped around its head this is then taped tight so eventually the tupac music video snake will suffocate but first it's inserted and allowed to crawl up the passage until the person says stop. The other person then holds the snake's tail so it can't go any further. Presumably orgasm occurs, the snake dies from the lack of air and contractions of the orgasmee then the snake is pulled out and thrown in the trash. 8/24/2005 10:58 AM   John said... I too have been keeping an eye on Snakes On A Plane! The simplicity of it's complexity, the purity of it's dreadful logic.
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