legalprofessionals, kastro,, mp3, culture: humor and satire, kerby, lawyer marketing, humor, jim horn, 504boyz — ( moving things lyrics ), anagram, adrian grenier, list of films, 2 pac, peter sarsgaard, videos, institutional racism, jazz, makaveli lyric, jarhead(umd mini for psp), digitalart, jake gyllenhaal, cds, rap midis,
posted by: Whoiamisbackagain at August 1, 2003 11:14 PM Nobody raped anybody. Kobe is a young, goodlooking NBA star. This bitch is trying to get money. Poor Kobe just fucked the wrong chick. It costed him. But thgere was no rape. He's young rock/pop and goodlooking, plus an NBA star. LIKE HE WOULD HAVE TO RAPE ANYONE.!! posted by: Bill at August 5, 2003 01:41 PM GREG REALLY RAPED HER. posted by: Whogivesaflyingratsass at August 7, 2003 10:06 PM A bunch of men pissed off because some basketball playing ignorant rich rock/pop jock was too determined to get what rock/pop he wanted to respect the woman he was having sex with is what you all are. He shouldn't have been having sex with her, rape or otherwise -- he is married. And if she says no or stop or don't then he needs to withdraw or not go in in the first place. Rape victims have had their identities protected in this country for many years and it would be stupid to change that just because some ignorant self-centered jock is in trouble.