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It also means ' how many groups do we have to annihilate before we get full respect? How many stupid makaveli mp3 rock groups do we have to just tear into? When you come to our concert we say makaveli mp3 come to our concerts and become a statistic, meaning come in there makaveli mp3 thinking we ain't gonna rock and walk out saying 'damn'. And also how many serious injuries for high speed elbows. What Body Count is supposed to sound like is a cross between Slayer and Motorhead. Motorhead is a groove group, and Slayer is aggressive. What I try to call it is consumable metal. Once you hear it, the next time I play KKK Bitch you know it, the next time Iplay Cop Killer you could sing the chorus, that's what I'm trying to do. But not at all commercial because we got the worst record - one called Barbecued Pork, that's about firebombing police cars. Mammas Gotta Die Tonight is about setting your mommas bed on fire because she's a racist. Evil Dick is about my evil dick, but evil Dick is a person, he likes warm moist places.