GobbsTHIS SHOW FUCKING SUCKS. kadafee larry charles

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GobbsTHIS SHOW FUCKING SUCKS. If i ever catch any ofyou cock suckers watching it i'll slit yourthroats with my trusty K-Bar and fuck the wound larry charles ifyou think im lying well then you fuck write meback JONNYGOBBS@msn.com YOU FUCKING CUNTS192CLSInuyasaha should be replaced with a good anime,like Galaxy Angel, Ifinite Ryvuis,or Samurai 7.Hell I'd take double showings of Evangelion ifthis poorly written anime is taken off the air.The only reason Adult Swim shows it is because ofdumb fan brats who masterbait to it.191YellowAgh. God. larry charles I support this petition, but it hurts myeyes to look at it. Seriously people, would ithurt to do some spell checks and avoid using CapsLock? Also, I notice that many of you areoverracting with the curse words and such.
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