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I think I'm going to have to re-write or fubar remove it, or not worry about it. EDIT #2: Re-write done. See this post instead. This increments a per-post visit counter and displays the results as either a little graphic with the post, plain text with the post, or a sidebar item listing the most frequently hit pages. The original hack came from the b2evolution forums by jimmy, and jellis came up with some different bits. Work from fubar both is incorporated here, and this version happens to be better than either :emo23: You will need to alter your evo_posts table, fubar add a couple of functions to your hacks.php file, modify your _main.php a bit, maybe collect or create 11 .gif files, and increment my counter by following the jumpydoodad thing. ...continued... Google it! Flexwing's HG Web Log 12/22/04, Categories: hang gliding bloggers, 0 words Google it! Upload avatars 12/19/04, Categories: b2evolution, plugins, 313 words This isn't really a plugin, but it belongs in the plugin category because it was written to work with the avatar plugin.