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green day is the best when youcome to argentina remember me plissss bye... 290AndreaAnyone who says that they "hate" someonewho they don't even know is ridiculously sad.Famous people's spouses shouldn't becriticized just because they're famous, and ifyou're a fan, you should love the music, andthat really should be all that tupac shakur mp3 really matters.It's incredibly immature and pathetic to saythat Adrienne (or any other famous person'shusband/wife) should die or that you would killthem. FUCKING PATHETIC. Obviously, Billie andAdrienne are happy together, and that's tupac shakur mp3 cool.Yes, tupac shakur mp3 he's good-looking and talented, but soare millions of other guys in the world, so...setyour sights on someone you have a chance with andlove Billie for his music! It pisses me offwhenever I read someone saying that they hate heror that she's ugly - because I think you'dhave to be visually impaired to think thatAdrienne is ugly when she's clearly completelygorgeous - but that's not the point.