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And, up until last election, I voted almost exclusively for Republicans in State and Local elections. Truly, both parties only ever run filthy crooks for president... but somehow the stark contrast between the jenna bush administration's passionate support for war and tax cuts and their foot dragging imbecility and lack of support when it comes to helping poor suffering people.... makes me wish that I jenna bush HAD voted for Al Gore rather than Pat Buchanan in 2000. jenna bush Maybe America should give the GOP a shot someday in the future... and maybe the spin doctors will be able to use the image of "crazy angry democrats" to make this a reality... but, Lord knows, nobody in this administration deserves to work in government. Here's to the smashing success of the "risk society"!!!! COMMENT #506 [link] ...j said on 9/3/2005 @ 4:02pm PT... Brad keep it coming I am forwarding your coment to all my friends even my intellgent Liberal ones so everyone can see what idiots you left wing socalist morons truely are.