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We’ve clearly lost sight of the concept of a defensive military since WWII. It may be notable that we haven’t actually had a constitutionally declared war since then, either. Julian seems to think that bravery (and the right to hold an opinion about things military) should be reserved for those who have barbed quotes served. OK, dude — I’ve done my time, and then some, and then some more. Perhaps he and barbed quotes others like him will at least listen to me. This war is bullshit. We attacked the wrong barbed quotes frigging people. Saddam Hussein did not kill 3,000 people on 9/11. There are no WMDs. Saddam Hussein is in jail now — negating yet another reason stated for going to war. We have no reason to be in Iraq right now. None at all. Our rape and torture of POWs and detainees is deplorable. It serves no purpose. When I was in the Army, had any of my buddies been engaged in such activities, every last one of us would have done what we could to stop it.