new imperialism, personal narrative non fiction, joey lauren adams, themes, prose, big bang, prejudice, 1995, 2 pac picture gallery, tom dicillo, spoken word, graduate, mandana beigi, drama, abusive, comedy, recipes, garden cress, vincenzo amelia, bbs, sciforums, girl power, gang related,
Varkpoes Pig cunt Hoerkind Son of a whore Varknaaier Pig fucker swear Jou ma se voelepte poes Your mother's stale cunt Jou ma naai vir snoek koppe Your mother fucks for fish-heads Jou Ma se stink poes Your Mother's smelly pussy Jou ma se binneste lippe Your mother's inner swear most lip swear Stront Shit Bliksem! Fuck it! Jou bliksem! You bastard! Die bliksemse ding! The fucking thing! Verdomp! Damn! Jou ma was n man Your mother was a man Fok jou en jou hele familie Fuck you and your whole family Loop naai jou hand Go fuck your hand Ek sal jou donner I'll smack you Jou kwas Idiot Jou Pielkop Dickhead Snot sambok Penis Slymsloot Vagina Trill Penis Fok jou, eet kak en vrek Fuck you, eat shit and die Stront vir breins! Shit for brains! Jy's 'n hondenaaier You're a dog fucker Sit jou kop in die koei se kont en wag tot die bul jou kom holnaai Put your head in a cow's ass and wait until a bull penetrates your anus Jou Ma skuld my hond nog kleingeld Your mum owes my dog change Jou ma se stink klont hang tiete Your mother's stinking, lumpy, hanging tits Jou fokken kakhuiskriek!