unreleased tupac lyric, free speech, katie ford, mp3, robert wightman, larry charles, by beth lapides, humourous, television, too short, about, minority, lyrics, tamil, 2 pac, people, the goddess,
(Score:5, Insightful) by t0mhannen (719829) on Saturday August 06, @07:54AM (#13257484) I seem to remember michael moore a hackers conference where it was suggested that everyone should bring along their loyalty cards, and then do a swap.If enough people did this, the databases would michael moore suddenly start to pick up on unexpected michael moore trends - customers whose profile suggested eating tofu and lettuce would suddenly be buying cigarettes and crisps etc.It seemed like rather an interesting idea to me... Why? (Score:5, Insightful) by brunes69 (86786) <slashdot@k[ ]stead.org ['eir' in gap]> on Saturday August 06, @08:49AM (#13257646) (http://www.keirstead.org/) What is the point of this? All it would do is screw up all the marketing research, resulting in them shoving more crap you don't care about down your throat whenever you go to buy groceries.Personally, I hope to hell they learn everything they can about me so that my shopping experience will go smoother and faster.