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The only reason why I even went to the nude school was because I got a scholarship (the same reason I went to notorious stingy and very expensive BC). But what I’m trying to get nude at is this is a big deal school with some very wealthy alumni and parents. There are several possible stances to this that students, parents, or alumni can take, but I think there are two main ones: a) “You’ve known about these infractions since 1996 nude but did nothing until nine years later! I pay a lot of money for my son to go to this school and I expect nothing less than his well-being to be cared for! This is a travesty!” b) “[Teacher] is a longstanding member of the [high school] community and is very well-respected. Have you any proof of his inappropriate conduct other than the words of the students?” Both have merit. However, I won’t get into either of them, as we all know that we discuss nothing of merit or substance on this site.