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Seriously. No I mean it. ;) (posted by User:Zalasur April 27, 2004) Why, thanks...I think. ('S not exactly my idea of a dream career.) But I'm not a "sir"; I'm a woman. Peace. :) deeceevoice 10:48, 27 Apr 2005 (UTC) My mistake... on the internet, no one knows you're a... well ya know. academe I didn't mean to chart a future career for you. academe I'm merely stating a wish that explicitely stated that my former language professors took an appreciation for profanity. After all, when learning a new language, what's the first thing academe you learn? The swear words, of course. Come on, admit it, y'all. -- Zalasur 05:57, Apr 28, 2005 (UTC) Yeah. I got your meaning. :) After doing Spanish in high school and then again in college, I had to wait for a couple of decades to pass, when I took a Spanish class at a neighborhood learning center, to be officially instructed in cursing in my second language. A class of adults, it's what we all wanted to know.