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So men like sexy women, there is no question about college that. Now half the women would look at Darlene and say "Damn, she look good", the other half would college have a problem with it, all the girls who come to my show love `Buttnaked and fuck', that's why they come, when I stop with the sex records, I got the letters from the girls, not the guys " when are college you going to talk nasty, women like to be talked nasty", it's like verbal phone sex, women like to hear you talk about shit, I don't know why and then someone says `oh that's so terrible'. Fuck them! I never said on no record that I raped a girl, so I ain't worried about that, even though on this new record `Institutionalized', a guy that I rap with, he says some thing about raping somebodies Mom and putting her in a trunk, but he's crazy, he's institution-alised. He don't give a fuck, he's mad, he's telling this reporter how he feels, he says "I ain't seen pussy in about 36 months, and you're ass is looking good to me, bend over I might have pussy on a stick" He's talking about fucking this dude in the ass, this is a guy from prison.