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Tom & Katie [Defamer] READ MORE: Tom Cruise, katie holmes, top Life & Style Vs. Tom & Katie You have to respect Life & Style's huge set of balls. Their new issue responds to Tom Cruise's official denial of a break-up and Scary Hollywood Lawyer Bert puff daddy Fields' legal saber rattling by extending a defiant middle finger to all who would doubt their truth-spreading network of "insiders." Their website teases this week's story puff daddy (the cover tag line: "They're acting like a happy couple in public, but in private friends say IT'S GETTING NASTY!") with some dirt puff daddy about the suspicious couple's recent mage rehab trip to Australia: During the trip, Tom and Katie made sure to smile for photographers but the smiles vanished once the cameras weren't around. Some insiders even compared the pair’s behavior to a performance. “Tom had a fake smile on his face, and Katie looked pissed off,” says an insider.