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signs. As to truly effective profanity, my old roommate the Russian translator came home from his summer construction job on day and said he'd heard a piece of profanity which, despite being redneck, was about as Russian as you could get: Upon getting close to break time, the foreman came up and said, "Bob, you'd better work that concrete before we break, or when we come digitalart back, it'll be harder than a preacher's dick in a cat's ass." Maybe it's my resolutely irreligious digitalart streak, but that never digitalart fails to make me laugh. Posted by: adamsj on August 1, 2003 at 5:14 AM | PERMALINK Abu Aardvark Alas, A Blog Alicublog American Footprints Eric Alterman AMERICAblog Ann Althouse Asymmetrical Information AtlanticBlog Atrios Baghdad Burning Beautiful Horizons Begging to Differ Belgravia Dispatch Michael Bérubé Tim Blair Rebecca Blood Body and Soul Busy, Busy, Busy Bull Moose Carpetbagger ReportCJR Daily Cliopatria Juan Cole The Corner (NRO) Corrente Crooked Timber Crooks and Liars Daily Howler Daily KOS The Decembrist Brad DeLong Democracy