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Langlois, vv. 2971-88). She claims to be the action / adventure mother of Honte (Shame), in action / adventure v. 3028, which would, of course, make her no Project MUSE ® | Search | Journals | About MUSE Peace Thru Vandalism Wanna Be Manor Urban Struggle The Legend of Pat Brown Pirate's Life H. B. Hotel Anarchy Burger (hold the government) Wanna Be Manor You can tell I'm no great planner action / adventure - I ended up at the wanna be manor - wanna be manor, what a place to be - wanna be manor, it's not for me - I looked in the door, opened the door - peeed on the floor, spotted a whore - drugs and filth are all around - no clean dishes can be found - if you thought that your nightmares were scary - wait till you meet the hoe called jerri - no one dragged a dead fish in the room - it's spreading legs and her female perfume - I walked upstairs, I can't explain - but I got involved in a three man train - was it fun?