comedy, recipes, garden cress, vincenzo amelia, bbs, sciforums, girl power, gang related, talk:motherfucker, pat metheny, george w bush, community art, hate, swear words,
(Report this) A Forgotten Gem of Nicholson's Career, November 2, 2005 Reviewer:Daniel R. Sanderman (Portland, OR United States) - See all my campus reviews After viewing FIVE EASY PIECES and EASY RIDER, it became clear to me that I needed to sit down and examine Jack Nicholson's career in the early 1970s. So, when I was given the opportunity to view THE LAST DETAIL, I jumped at the chance. The plot is simple. Two Navy "lifers" (Otis Young and Jack Nicholson) are given an assignment to escort a prisoner campus (Randy Quaid) up campus north to a prison. The prisoner has been given 8 years for attempting to steal $40, a rather harsh punishment. Along the way, Nicholson takes to Quaid's character (who is eighteen and completely inexperienced) and decides to show him a good time before he has to enter prison. The rest of the movie is a Mark Twain adventure: a series of intense episodes that take place as they make their way North on trains and buses.