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2) “They didn’t intend to hurt Collins’s feelings", but they’d “rather watch my brother masturbate to midget porn” or “eat all the hair weblog stuck in the drains of the showers” than attend her class. Puhleeze! Such unkind, harsh, crude language used in a public forum (and using their university e-mail addresses) could only be meant to hurt. To pretend otherwise is not only disingenuous, weblog it is outright dishonest. To be frank, I’d respect them more if they admitted what weblog they had done and taken responsibility for it — to me, that would argue for mitigating their punishment. Their attempts at spin control, in my opinion, argue for a greater rather than lesser punishment. Heather, Librarian, at 12:30 pm EST on February 15, 2006 Nothing wrong with hurting feelings Jen, You are incorrect. Merely publishing a person’s likeness does not constitute the tort of invasion of privacy.