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Being on probation is an onerous burden? Come on. Steve Steve, at 10:20 am EST on February 14, 2006 Mean and Hurtful So the “first amendment rights” that allow us to burn the flag and such end when someone is offended? This is one of the worst invasions of free speech rap song yet — does Syracuse think rap song that they are improving something by banning people from speaking their opinions of their rap song teachers freely? Will it help that everyone has to hide their identity or talk offline in order to get their feelings across to likeminded people? And what is the university doing about the incompetent grad student? Kevin, Undergraduate, at 10:20 am EST on February 14, 2006 When Danish newspapers published cartoons that were offensive to Muslims, many U.S. newspapers exercised taste and restraint and did not republish the cartoons, even when talking about them. I wish IHE had exercised the same restraint with this story, rather than attaching a PDF that has not only the offensive remarks but also a picture of the TA in question, a teacher who is herself a graduate student and whose privacy has been violated not only by these students but also by some (but fortunately not all) of the newsmedia covering the story.