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Think about andy ackerman that the next time you consider any nigger as a member andy ackerman of an "equal" species. add your comments White history is rape and murder by america's doomed • Sunday March andy ackerman 05, 2006 at 03:50 PM wpostphoto2.jpg, JPG image, 600x399 Black people have never ever considered themselves to be equal to satan's race,far from it.We have always concidered your race to be the children of santan,thats why your race was chased out of africa.It has been proven time and time again that many diseases were introduced to gods children by the white devils.Your race speeks so proudly of there your technological advances that has done nothing but ensure the suffering of millions if not billions of non-whites.Your so called civilization,has been built on the blood and the backs of the third world,your race of demons has poluted and toxified the very air of this world with all of your satanic inventions.Your