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There is only . Categories: Comments christin hinojosa (0) Trackback (0) posted by Ben at 6:34 PM Ford has begun airing commercials Ford has begun airing commercials for the new christin hinojosa BA Falcon. christin hinojosa To accentuate the fact that the car is not all that much different from the new VY Commodore, Ford has chosen a driver that looks identical to the driver in recent Commodore ads. Surely this sort of unification means that the apocalypse is near? Categories: Comments (0) Trackback (0) posted by Ben at 6:32 PM Wednesday November 20, 2002 six weeks Today's "I can't believe people can be this stupid" observation: Local Subway features this sign: "Due to extreme popularity our supply of Chicken Fillets has run out, and there will not be any for some time." A sign at another location reveals that it may be up to for the supply to be restored. This is the only item on their menu that I regularly order.