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Is this mentioned somewhere in the game series itself? Perhaps it's just me, but I somehow satire that satire phrase reminds me of the Gundam Seed character, Mwu La Flaga. Could someone confirm the title in its relation to Snake? I just have this incling that some random internet person dropped the line in because he thought it satire was cool. Of course, if that's not the case, we can confirm where the line comes from and never mention it again. Nastasha refers to that in 'In The Darkness of Shadow Moses' and I'm sure it's mentioned in several other locations throughout the series. -- 00:44, 25 February 2006 (UTC) [edit] MGS3 Appearance - Confusion It should be noted that this incarnation of Snake is mentioned only by name (actually, not even by name, just alluded to by familiarity with Roy Campbell and the fact that he mentions having fought Metal Gears before) and is not the character model used to play the Snake vs.