riad galayini, tolerance, list of literary works, abortion, bostonmassachusetts, bullet, doom (film), naacp, anti semitic incident, gridlock,
Jrquinlisk 07:14, 8 Dec 2004 (UTC) I don't recall any of the games saying that Snake suffered from PTSD. Where can I find this information? Regarding PTSD, it is mentioned in the Metal Gear Solid 1 tupac song lyric guidebook, which has a fair amount of information and was apparently liked by Hideo tupac song lyric Kojima (the creator of Metal Gear) so much that he bought copies for the staff. I have tupac song lyric issues with the MGS1 guide myself. The guide gives the impression that some of the biographical data about characters were made up by the author (and thus, not exactly canonical) to fill in blanks. For example, what other sources (literature or in-game) explicitily stated that Big Boss was a Japanese-American from Hawaii? Jonny2x4 05:07, 24 Apr 2005 (UTC) Solid Snake to Master Millar/Liquid Snake: "How did you know I was part japanese" - as a clone of Big Boss, I think this heavily implies that Big Boss was part japanese also. [edit] images I think the Decoy Octopus image has no value in this article.